Management INS Systems GmbH / INS Consulting GmbH

Markus Baumann is co-owner of INS Consulting GmbH and  responsible as managing director for pre-sales, consulting, and project management of INS Group. After his technical education, he worked as an independent IT consultant for several years and was also lecturer on information technology at different private schools. During this time, he supported leadership positions in national and international IT projects. Since 2000, his focus is on expanding the Technical and Customer Service Division of INS.




Giovanni Serpi is responsible as managing director for finance & controlling, IT operations, IT service management and information security. He joined the company in 2010. After his course of study in law, he switched to the IT industry and spent more than 9 years managing Change Management and Service Management Processes on behalf of clients from the financial services sector – among other things: as Lead Service Manager for one of the top 60 accounts managed by T-Systems. His main focus is ITIL®-oriented Service Management and Service Operations of complex data center environments. His passion is the interlocking of daily operations with Service and Account Management, tailor-made drafting of contracts and the modeling of customized and process-oriented operating models in order to realize a measurable added value for our customers.


Owners / INS Verwaltungsges. mbH

Eberhard Faust is co-founder and co-owner of INS. He is managing director of INS Verwaltungsges. mbH. After finishing his studies in business economics, he worked as system engineer at IBM system house for several years and was also lecturer on information technology at a private school. Since INS was founded in 1992, his focus is on developing INS Group. For several years, Eberhard was collaborating with Hewlett Packard on various topics in the field of computers, networks and storage.




Henning Frey is co-founder and co-owner of INS. He is managing director of INS Verwaltungsges. mbH. After his studies in computer science with minor medicine, he worked for Hewlett Packard in the area of medical technology for three years. Since INS was founded in 1992, his focus is on expanding and developing INS Group. Henning is also responsible for business of INS System AG in Switzerland.